Exhibitions Night Awards
Exhibition (Category) Images:
The adjudicator will designate his/her “adjudicator’s choice,” selected from all the images displayed in the evening, for display on the website. The highest score given by the adjudicator in each level, in both prints and projected, will be recognized. This recognition will mean that the maker’s name will be announced and he/she will be given the opportunity to speak about their image.
Year End Awards
Members will receive ribbons for:
Aggregate Award:
The annual accumulated scores, for Exhibition (Category) Images in each level. A maximum of sixteen of the highest scoring images will be totaled. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd award given for each of level 1, level 2 and level 3.
Assigned Award:
Annual accumulated scores for images entered in Assigned Topics in entire club, regardless of level. A maximum of eight of the highest scoring images will be totaled.
Grand Aggregate Award:
Combined, annual, accumulated scores for both Exhibition and Assigned images for the entire club, regardless of level.
Level 3 Medals:
Medals will be awarded to members in level 3 for any categories completed during the year.
Level 4 Medal:
There will be a 1st award to the highest total score in level 4. If there are 5 or more active poeple in this level 2nd and 3rd awards will be awarded.