Qualifying Images
Originality Rule
All images, photographic components, and non-photographic components of images must be the maker’s original work except as noted in the Artistic category.
Category Groups
APAC exhibition image submissions fall into the five Groups of Documentary, Pictorial, Creative, Open, & Artistic.
Editing & image enhancements are permitted in all five groups, but are subject to the editing rules specific to each Group.
The categories that correspond to each group can be found
Editing rules for each Group appear on our website and can be accessed via the Competition Menu and the Competitions Information submenu at "Image Editing Rules"
- Projected images are displayed as full quality jpg files with maximum 1800 pixel horizontal dimension or 1200 pixel vertical dimension but can be entered at any size. The Photo Pursuits website that the club uses for submissions will automatically resize your images to these dimensions.
Full Nudity not Permitted
APAC desires to be an inclusive club and to be considerate of younger members and those with conservative sensibilities. For this reason images containing full nudity and erotica are not permitted. For more information please refer to the category entitled–“Mature(ZM)”.
Disqualified Images
If an image does not meet the criteria as defined by a category or the editing rules it may be subject to disqualification by a judge. In the case of a disqualification every effort will be made to notify a maker prior to Competition Night.
Other Image Infractions and their Remedies can be found here