
Adjudication procedures are designed to ensure impartiality and that each image is adjudicated on the basis of its own merits. For this reason, an outside, qualified adjudicator is retained for critiquing and scoring monthly exhibition entries. Adjudicators will be provided club exhibition rules and guidelines prior to commencement of the meeting.

Each image category and title will be announced. The level of the entry will not be announced. Adjudicators award each image from 5 to 10 points utilizing half points. This system provides a wide scope for honest and accurate evaluation of each photo. Images achieving a score of 8.5 or higher will be elegible for commenting from the adjudicator.

  • 5 to 5.5 - extremely poor, with serious faults
  • 6 to 6.5 – average, possibly with minor faults
  • 7 to 7.5 - average, with no or minor faults
  • 8 to 8.5 - above average to very good
  • 9 to 9.5 - excellent, with exceptional factors
  • 10 - exceptionally good with a WOW factor



Scoring of Assigned images will use a 7/3 point system. Up to 7 points to be awarded for the technical merit of the image. Up to 3 points to be awarded for creative and effective interpretation of the Assigned Subject.



The critique is a vital element of the learning experience. Seeing your image from another’s perspective and hearing different opinions of the strengths of an image, as well as areas that can be improved, facilitates growth in the maker as well as the general audience.



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