Competition Levels
Level 1: Beginner or Club newcomer
New members start in this level. In order to move to Level 2, a total of 200 points is required with one image scoring at least 7 points or above. Images can be entered as open images or in categories. Scores are carried over from 1 year to another until the 200 points have been reached.
Level 2: Intermediate
One image in each category must be scored at 8 or higher. All other images must be 6 or higher. Must compete in 6 categories with a total of 50 points in each category.
Level 3: Challenge
- 7 or higher for each image.
- One image must be a 9 or higher in each category.
- Must compete in 8 categories with a total of 50 points in each category.
- 8 or higher for each image.
- Two images must be 9 or higher in each category.
- Must compete in 8 categories with atotal of 50 points in each category
- 8 or higher for each image.
- Four images must be 9 or higher in each category.
- Must compete in 8 categories with a total of 50 points in each category.
Level Infinity: Graduation
- May enter any category and not subject to a maximum accumulated score per category.
- The aggregate will be recorded but ineligible for club year end awards.
- Eligible for the Assigned Awards.
All Levels:
- Image scores are recorded into categories and are cumulative.
- Points scored are totalled and carried over from one year to the next.
- After advancement from one level to the next, the member will start with no scores in the new level categories.
- Persons promoted in the first half of the year will compete with the promoted level for the aggregate score award.
- Persons promoted in the second half of the year will compete with the former level for the aggregate score award.
- The photographer will be promoted to the next level in the month following the completion of the requirements for promotion.
- Images scoring below the required score for each category will be included for the aggregate score total.
Club newcomers begin at level 1, progress to level 2, level 3 (bronze, silver, gold) and graduate to level “infinity,” by accumulating points for images submitted to monthly exhibition. (Refer to the Exhibition Levels for more detail.) At the discretion of the executive, a first time member may also be promoted from level 1 to level 2. This is in recognition that not all first-time members are inexperienced photographers.